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Confirmation, Icky’s & Updates

Icky’s is in need of donations. Items are: bottled water, GoGurt yogurt, Fruit cups, Individually wrapped entrees such as Hot Pockets, Corn Dogs, White Castle Sliders, and Uncrustables. Contact Caleb Carlson for pick up or delivery information

Confirmation 2020-21 will be for returning students only. Those in 7th grade or older who would have otherwise started their first year will be postponed until fall 2021. Returning students need to be caught up on the educational materials. The smaller group will also be easier if or when we go into the distance learning model.

The new carpet has been ordered and should arrive in early September, please note that the offices will be painted prior to the installation. The price of this project is $35,000. Please consider giving your support! 

Our church council is seeking new leaders to serve. Current openings for 2021 are Vice President, Life & Growth, Youth, Education, and Worship & Music. Our nominating committee is Teresa Gross, Marcia Kuker, Viv Nore, and Pastor Emily. Please contact a member if you are interested in fulfilling one of these positions.

Please remember in your prayers: Chad Kuker, Erick Bygness, Judy Lang, Gary Weidenfield, Curtis Stover & Family, Tim Brainered, Rosemary Stickrod, Teresa Kopps, Larry Zeman’s Family & Friends, and Michael Phelps Family & Friends 

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