Mission Statement:
The St. Olaf Lutheran Church Foundation Exists To Nourish Christian Growth And Outreach.
The St. Olaf Foundation exists through the generosity of the St. Olaf congregation. As stated in the above mission statement, we exist to nourish Christian growth and outreach.
The purpose of the Foundation is to:
Promote, encourage and aid religious, charitable, literary, educational, and benevolent projects.
- Establish, operate and maintain scholarship loan funds for needy students preparing to further their education– whether church vocation or undergraduate studies.
- Establish, operate and maintain perpetual pledge funds whereby an individual may continue his gifts to the church subsequent to his death by the means of a trust.
- Establish, operate and maintain continuing education funds for members of the church staff, clergy or lay members.
- Receive, establish, operate and maintain a capital fund from which the congregation of the St. Olaf Lutheran church may borrow and pay interest to the Foundation for major improvement or expansion of the premises.
- Hold in trust and dispense funds for specific charitable causes other than those listed above according to the wishes of the donor.
If you or an organization that you are a part of has a request for funding, you may pick up a grant request from the church office.
The Foundation meets a 7:00pm on the fourth Tuesdays of the months of January, April, July and October. If you are interested in the workings of the Foundation, you are welcome to attend.