Currently the sanctuary is open to weddings / funerals / small group meetings in sanctuary, a maximum total of fifty people and for scheduled worship services on Sundays 9 am indoors and 11 am outdoors. Masks, social distancing, and sanitization practices will need to be maintained at all times of use. You will need to sanitize the areas you use at the end of services and meetings.
Please note the 8 am Service of the Word has been discontinued.
Flowers have been donated this Sunday by Mike & Jolynn Sunken in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Rebecca Sunken, to Austin Read on August 1, 2020.
Until such time the church council deems it safe these sacraments are currently available only in the event of a dire emergency.
Unity Point in Fort Dodge is currently allowing pastors in at this time. If you or a loved one are hospitalized please contact the church to be added to our prayer list. We lift up those names each week in worship. Pastor is also willing to visit r call on the phone.
We will be seeking the following job candidate.
*The Part-time Financial Secretary position. Preference will be given to someone will a background in finance and accounting. If you know any candidate that would be a good candidate please check out the Indeed postings or our FB page.
Resumes can be emailed to .
All candidates will have a background check.
ON-LINE at or VANCO by downloading the Give Plus+ app
USPS Mail – address 239 N. 11th St.
Use the locked black drop box in the glass entry at church, West door/north entry.
Please remember in your prayers: Harold & Marilyn Wingerson, Gary Weidenfield, Curtis Stover & Family, Tim Brainered, Jodene Kesseguie, Rosemary Stickrod, Renee Powell, Donna Smith, Scott Otto, Teresa Kopps, David Halsrud, Bev Carlson, Lee Oester, Julie Dawn, Charles Collmann Family & Friends
Sandy Hess would like to express her gratitude to the St. Olaf Family for the kind remembrance of her 80th birthday recently.
Congratulations and best wishes to Austin & Rebecca Read on the occasion of their wedding Saturday, August 1, 2020.